Fun Bus Coffee takes great pride in offering freshly roasted beans to every customer. As well as freshness, it is important to us to ensure we source beans from distributors that support fair trade practices. It's our belief that the farmers' hard work should be rewarded with fair pricing. We support safe working conditions for the workers and rigorous standards for social and environmental sustainment.
Fun Bus coffee is a small batch, veteran owned coffee roasting company located in Fort Worth, Texas. Many years ago, the idea of our company took shape in Olympia, Washington where we learned the art of making blended coffee from the finest beans available. The name “Fun Bus” was born the day we purchased a 40 FT school bus and began building a mobile coffee shop to serve coffee at local community events. As I was still serving active duty at the time, our dream had to be put on hold due to unforeseen requirements to change duty station to Oklahoma.
Now in retirement, we are following our dream to provide vibrant coffee blends to our customers. Fun Bus is passionate about using what we have learned about roasting to produce quality blends, and single origin roast made from responsibly sourced beans. We're determined to make our products easily accessible not only to the individual consumer, but small businesses alike. At Fun Bus we believe that fresh, great tasting coffee is key to the motivation and productivity of those who consume our products.